This morning I woke up to the smell of fire at 3 am and I closed all the windows and then sat in bed and could not breath or sleep. I am not sure how everyone else slept in. So I went out side and I could see the fire right behind the mountain behind our house and then I decided to turn on the TV to see what was going on and then I was up watching TV and thinking man if the wind picks up we are in trouble. At about 5:30 the man got up and explained that the reason why I could smell fire is because the wind was still. So good for the fire fighters and according to the news the air assault will start a little after 6 am. So I sat in the house with all the smoke and kept thinking this could be really bad.
The kids woke up and I decided to lay down. I wish I could have slept instead of listening to the kids fight. I am really tired and I have so much to do. I have to get the house clean take the kids to VBS and have it all down before I pick them up at 12. Before going to VBS my hypochondriac let me know that he was sick and couldn't go to VBS! Ha this kid makes me crazy.So far this month he has had whopping couch, stomach virus, a cold, a rash, and of coarse he was dieing from all of these and none of them were true. I told him it was the last day and he was going to go no matter what. So off to VBS we went and mlh he makes me smile when I feel like everything is all crazy he always come to my side to tell me something so funny. While waiting in the car for the older kids to get in so I could take them to VBS he said "I am in the car all ready!" He is right he is also the only one ready to help. Even if his legs are broke. The only problem with him is you can't threaten to though his stuff away... He will do it for you.
On the way home from drooping the kids at VBS mlh and I saw like 15 fire trucks about two blocks away and my stomach just sank. I wasn't alarmed by the firefighter but I was by the sheriff cars. Mlh and I watched the fires crest the top of the mountain and then watched all the planes and I think he thought this was a great time.(to bad I do not have a video camera I think My nephew would have loved to see the planes. They vibrated the entire house it was like mini earthquakes. Mlh was so excited every time he saw the big one(the 747 I think that is what it is called. The one with the chemicals in it)he would yell with excitement "mom the fire!" But not me...I watch in fear! wondering if we were going to be in trouble. Why is it when your house is a mess you think I need to get this clean in case we have to leave in a hurry. I mean I do not think the firefighter are gonna care what your house looks like, and if it burns down it all looks like a mess anyway. But I am not sure what it was but after picking up the kids I could not stand to live in this mess any more. I cleaned the house and fought with the kids.
Then we watched the trucks leave and then the water trucks and then a bulldozer and I thought this is a good sign. Then the winds picked up and all I could do was pray for the firefighters and the planes! The man had to come home early do to a accident on the 5 and a fire on sierra highway. So here we are sitting and my house looks like crap. I know that the man works like crazy but I am so tired and just wish the kids would help and it seems like they only help when the man is around. The man and the kids watched the planes paint the top of the hills orange and I will admit it is awesome to see. Scary but oh so awesome!
Have you ever had one of those nights where you just flip out and you are not even sure why? Well I am sitting here all upset because that is what happened today and I am so sad. Sad that I flipped out and sad that I am not sure what set me off. All I know is I can not live in filth and I am to tired. I wish I knew what is wrong with me and being so tired. I had to cancel my appointment for today and move it until Wednesday and I just found out that, that will not work out either. So I will have to cancel that and with my doctor that means it will be September until I get in. AGGGGHHHHHH! I fell like today was just a joke!!!
This is a big thank you to all the firefighters that protected my house (and all the other houses) and kept that fire from coming down that hill. Thank you God for them!
Mom called I guess mlmm wanted to come home so thank you mom for keeping her one more night I am so grateful! If she would have come home so late I would have been up all night!
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