Friday, June 18, 2010

A booklet from the doctors office...mod seeing the pictures...and the look on her face...pricless!!!

Well today has been one of those days where I wish I was in a movie where i could sing a happy working song and the house would be cleaned before the end of the song!!! I woke up this morning and got a phone call that the mother was coning and man was my house a mess. So after getting up and cleaning and cleaning I totally decided that no matter how clean or not clean my house is i am totally screwed! So house half cleaned and here is the mother!

She came in and we put her new hard drive to my computer so she can retrieve things that she lost when her last hard drive crashed. Then i did her nails and before I did i caught her looking in the kids rooms... i closed the doors and she looked in. i am not sure why that makes me so upset i will never have a clean house until my kids are gone but it does. i fell like I am on a reality show and totally exposed. So did nails and believe it or not we had a okay time. i even got them done in a some what good time and she didn't complain and i didn't hurt here.

While I was in the computer room finishing up with the transfers the man came home and wanted to let me know how his appointment went and show me what they are going to do. (he's getting fixed) He even came home with a booklet with pictures. Showed the mother and set the picture book face up on the counter. Anyone have kids want to guess what happened next? Anyone? Well Mod came in and you should have seen the look on her face. If only I had a picture! Priceless. I quickly grabbed the picture of you know what and closed the book and stuck it up high. She didn't ask and I didn't even act like it was a big deal that she was seeing what she was seeing. But I will tell you too funny!

So made top roman... can you see how boring the food is when there isn't any awesome expensive food around. Anyway got the kids fed and got them bathed and ready for bed. We watched the new survivor show on discovery and The man went to bed and now here I am up late again. I caught up on some reading and watched some TV.

So I have some awesome news... Well sort of. This week I have been praying for a way to pay all of our bills and not have any overdraft privileged charges... So I got the mans pay check and got so excited that I called H to tell her. While looking at the check I realized that the reason it was so big was because they paid him overtime instead of straight time. So all the bills were paid and We even have a little left over for me to buy gas but, they will take it out of next weeks check. I know that this maybe stupid but I believe with my whole heart that this happened because I prayed, my husband worked a lot of hours and someone made a mistake. I am thankful for the mistake and for Gods hand in there some where. Are bills for this month are paid.

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