Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello this isn't housewives of the AV!

Got up this morning and drove to the dentist did I tell you how I hate the dentist? So on the way to the dentist I realized that even though mom took the babies she left me with Mr. Grouchy! So attitude all the way there and then it was time to get sick! Got into the dentist and THANK YOU GOD! I didn't have to get a root canal! I am not sure how that would have worked out with me having the kids. While sitting in the chair waiting for the dentist that is when mo started in with being his crazy self asking all these questions and then bumping the chair. I got the shot and started to cry and that is when I realized that I have never been able to do this with out medicine and that was not happening with the kids with me so I have to suck it up and after making them sit down and doing a lot of hang signals we finally got down and my mouth hurts and I really hate how my kids talk and disobey me.

Went to the store before going home and I was only going to spend 100 dollars and 400 dollars later I realized that I really need to find where we are getting the money for this! I mean the dentist and now food man oh man maybe I need to go back to work! Got home and school was a joke and then I realized that I just wanted to sit on the couch and sleep and I had school work to do! Days like this suck! Got the kids to practice and then my day continued to get worse!

I just want to know what am I supposed to do when people are so comfortable with me and they talk to me. I know I have a face that makes you just want to tell me all your deepest darkest secrets! So I don't tell what you say to me but why do you blow what I said to you so out of proportion that it isn't even close to what i said! What the heck are you kidding me! I have a blog and I have no secrets with my life so you think that making this a big deal is going to make you look good? Hello this isn't housewives of the AV! I am not doing anything I wouldn't want you to do for me and my children! Also I really do not need you to like me I like me just fine all by myself!

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