Today's posts has has several titles so here is the first One step forward and two steps back at this rate I will be back in hell before Christmas. This morning I woke up in the worst mood and man all the way to the doctors office even though mlh was laughing in the back seat and it usually makes me smile at his high pitched squeal this morning it made me crazy and I wanted to pull the car over to the side of the road and get out. I mean get out and leave them. But seeing how that would land me in jail I continued to the doctors office.
We got to the lab for mo and i to get lab work done and that is when I realized that I am totally crazy and I need a nap. Everything they were doing was making me want to scream. We got our blood drawn and then walked next door for mo to get a look at and then a TB test and I think that doctors should talk to parents in front of there hypochondriacs because the rest of the day he kept telling me that it was spreading and getting big! While in the doctors office I kept thinking I need coffee and a break. Got done with the doctors right before they stopped serving breakfast at Micky D's and they convinced me that we should stop just to make them shut up I caved in. Then we rushed to practice and got there 10 minutes early.
While the kids where in practice I got a notice form my facebook to my email and found out some sad news and made a phone call and seeing how my friend is doing okay all I can say is I am praying for her. While on the phone my little ones disappeared into the music teachers house to get into his candy stash. ( thankfully it is almost Halloween time so I can replace all the candy they ate!) I watched mod and then she had her daily melt down saying stuff like Why cant I be talented like mo and all he does is listen and he can play...I try and can't do got me thinking that this is so true in life and she is totally right. Mo doesn't even want it and has this amazing musical gift. While mod wants it so bad and practices and practices and can't land a job! She started by telling me that this will only make her stronger and fight for what she wants and blah blah blah! that is what she said right in front of her teacher. Thankfully he is really good and defused her by saying you are right Mod but you have many talents that your brother doesn't have and you just need to practice and I bet you could be better than him. Seeing how she is so competitive I bet she will try harder.
We got back in the car and that is when I totally lost it and decided to try some reverse physiology and I think it worked. I turned off the music and yelled at them just like they have been yelling at me all day. I even did it in the same voice. Maammmm so and so this and so and so did this then I said did you like me yelling at you and the all sat in complete silence and shook their heads. It either worked or they all thought the same thing and I will hear about this when I get older. Remember the day that mom lost it in the car and yelled at us? She is a complete freak!
When we got home I told them to get everything out of my car because I was taking mod to her audition and then went into the house. Thankfully the man was home doing paper work because mo's school stuff came in and I totally forgot! So i walked in and told the man that I was in a mood and laid down on the couch and buried my head. Got up and got the kids on the computer and got all of today's stuff ready. Mod did what she could before we had to leave and I got mo all mapped out and then I got mod ready took the car seat out just in case and we left. Mod left something in the house and ran back in slipped on the wet floor and came back screaming and yelling that dad didn't care about her and I tried to comfort her by saying you have lines to memorize. So we went over lines and started on the way. We even got a scare because a cop came up on me and did the flash thing while i was in the carpool lane. Luckily it wasn't for me!
We got to her audition right on time and then did the wait thing. While we were waiting mod started sizing up her competition and said all sad I am way too tall for this part and they all look like they are 5. She was right! I think she is going to be tall! What can I say model! So they called her in and before she went in she prayed this sad prayer and then before I knew it we were on the way back to the car and on our way home. Before I got in the car the man called and said do you have mo's pads and helmet? Yes I do! So then he said are you in the car yet? No we are getting in right now. Then mod said lets pray so she prayed and then I did and we were on the road. The traffic was LA traffic and man oh man it was so amazing. I got a call and the man said do you think that you will be able to get there before 6 and I said it didn't look like it but that I would try. Well we got almost back home and mod said all so proud "see God gave us what we need!" Not what we wanted or needed or desired but what we need in current time! She is so right and it totally changed my day! totally! I guess I am not taking as many steps back as I thought.
While getting the kids bathed mlh said something so funny that I just have to share... He was doing the little boy thing and I said mlh do not do that in front of your sister. He then informed me that only he can touch it. This is what I have been saying since they were little. So then I said well you can do that in your room. "I can do it in my bed?" Sure I said then I said why in your bed? "Well if I'm touching it then no one else can!" the thoughts that little 4 year old think of cracks me up. When telling the man this story he informed me that mlh I guess thought that when he had his surgery that they cut it off! He even used the shwushhhh sound and used had movements. So the man had a discussion about parts tonight right before my conversation! I'm telling you BOYS!
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