Sunday, May 30, 2010

happy birthday mo

Happy birthday was the theme for today. So I woke up first and tryed to keep mlmm from yelling and waking everyone up. So I made coffee and watched a little TV. After the birthday boy woke up I saw the mood he was in and realized that I needed to take a shower which means maybe a little alone time so I can pray for the day and for his already bad mood. So the man made cream of wheat for the birthday boy. When I got out he seemed a little better and after getting crappy news I decided that I needed to change my attitude. So after yelling at mod because she refused to get up and get dressed so we could go. And Since I am such a nice person here we were all in the car and off to the Walmart to get some put door games and a new kite for mo. Then off to the racing store to get a new clutch for the gokart. Then up the hill and a hour and a half drive to the in-laws house. So although I am irritated right now I did a good job at keeping my cool.

So hung out with the mans family and listened to the stories. It's not like they all bother me its just the situation. As a matter of fact my sour face only came out once when I caught someone talking about me while I was in the room. As for the birthday boy is concerned I do not think it was too bad. But not the best. They definitely do not get him.

After all was said and done I think that we will really be reconsidering home school for mo. I heard it said that sometime kids who are talented have a hard time socializing. Also to all the know it all's we tried several things and they didn't work. But its Also like we aren't trying to find a solution with him. So I am now looking into homeschooling. I do wish we had the money to put him into an arts school. I believe this is where he would sore.
So up late again and wishing I could have gotten to sleep in. But because we were not here I didn't cook and I feel like I need a maid for tomorrow. All and all a pretty sunny day with a lot of driving and mlmm and her music too funny. Also the man was in a fairly good mood and is deciding to look at the positive...we only have him for eight more years. Sad but he was trying for funny. At least for today he is looking for positive.

On a good note I figured out the phone blog post thing. But I am not sure that typing with my thumbs is the answer either. Also h remember I am only happy when you are around. Thank you for all the wonderful wishes for mo's birthday and thank you for the prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Danika,
    Happy Birthday to Morgan! There seems to be a milestone reached when our kids hit double digits!
    I wanted to tell you how much I have been enjoying reading your blog. Each one touches my heart in some way. I appreciate your honesty and am enjoying your humor.
    I have loved reading how different each of your children are and the special things you see in them.
    Thank you for sharing Danika!
    Bless you,
    Cindy Jones
